On behalf of the women of Timor-Leste we would like to thank all our partners, donors and stakeholders for their support, dedication and generosity which enables us to deliver our program to our community.


Supporters 2016 :  Australian Embassy, DFAT,  Alola Australia, IWDA – International Women’s Development Agency
Make A Mark Australia, Conoco Phillips, AFAP-Australia, The United States Embassy, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, PHD, Woodside, Chinese Embassy, World Food Program (WFP), SEPFOPE, SEJD, Ministry of Social Solidarity, MJ Fund (Jill Forsyth), The Asia Foundation,  The Thai Embassy, Scholarship program supporters (Rotary District 9820, Friends of Ballarat, Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Committee, Blair Foster Memorial Trust,  Friends of Lacluta, Friends of Alola in Norway, Family Welfare Association/ friends of Alola in South Korea, Indigo Shire Atauro Island Friendship Committee, Individual donor.

Supporters 2015 :   AUSAID /DFAT, Conoco Phillips, Woodside, Alola Australia, World Food Program (WFP), UNFPA, WHO, UNICEF, UN Women, The Asia Foundation, Assisi Aid Project/ Rotary Club of Melbourne, AFAP-Australia, Stars Foundation, STARS Campaign, Global Giving, IWRAW – Asia Pasific, IWDA – International Women Development Agency, Oxfam, Thai Embassy, Chinese Embassy, Ministry of Social Solidarity, Civil Societies Fund-Government, SEPFOPE, SEPI, Rotary District 9820, Friends of Ballarat, Blair Foster Memorial Trust, Friends of Lacluta, Alola Norway Certificate, Indigo Shine Atauro Island Friendship, Charles Candell, MJ Fund (Jill Forsyth), BELUN Susesu Hamutuk and White Sand Holding Lda, Individual Donors.

Supporters 2014 :  AUSAID/DFAT-Australia, ConocoPhillips, Woodside, World Food Program (WPF) Alola Australia, UNICEF, The Asia Foundation, UNFPA via SEPI, UNDP, Ministry of Social and Solidarity RDTL, Civil Societies fund-Government, SEPFOPE, Australian Foundation for People of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP), Star Campaign, Start Foundation, Global Giving, Gift Certificate, Thai Embassy, IWRAW, IWDA, Assisi Aid Project/ Rotary Club of Melbourne, China Embassy, MJ Fund, MILK Fund, Viera de Almeida, Make A Mark Australia (MAMA), Rotary District 9820, Friends of Ballarat, Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Committee, Blair Foster Memorial Trust, Friends of Lacluta, Norway Certificate, Indigo Shine Atauro Island Friendship, Nelson Bay Rotary, Individual Donors


Supporters 2013 :  AFAD-Australian Foundation for People of Asia and the Pacific, Alola Australia, AUSAID, Society Fund-Goverment RDTL (FSS), Conoco Philip, Gift Certificate, GIZ, IWRAW-AP, ILO, MILK Foundation, Ministry Social Solidarity – RDTL (MSS), GIZ, Thai Embassy Timor-Leste, SEPFOPE-RDTL, Society Fund-Government RDTL (FSS), Star Foundation, The Asia Foundation, the Interpid Foundation.


Supporters 2012 :  Alola Australia, Andrew McNaughton, APWLD, AusAID, Australian Capital Territory Government (ACT), Australian Foundation for People of Asia and the Pacific (AFAP), BELUN, ConocoPhillips, Friends of Ainaro, GIZ, Irish Aid through, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), JRF Fund MDG Achievement Fund through IOM, MAMA-Australia, MILK Foundation, Ministry of Health – RDTL, Ministry Social Solidarity – RDTL (MSS), Nelson Bay Rotary, Plan Timor-Leste, Rotary Club in Dili Rotary Club of Melbourne, The Asia Foundation (funded by USAID), Timor-Telecom, UNFPA via SEPI, Save the Children, UNICEF, UN Women, Woodside 
