The Alola Foundation’s work also includes extensive research on issues relevant to women’s health, gender equality and gender rights, peacebuilding and cultural preservation. Many of our staff are well-trained researchers who collaborate with international research institutions and other NGOs and government agencies.
To ensure the quality of Alola’s work, Alola also conducts independent evaluations of some of our programs.
Below are links to the documents that are most often requested.
The Potential For Cultural Tourism: Bobonaro, Ainaro & Lautem Districts English | Tetun
Annual Report 2023 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2022 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2021 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2020 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2019 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2018 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2017 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2016 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2015 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2014 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2013 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2012 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2011 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2010 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2009 English | Tetun
Annual Report 2008 English | Tetun
The Potential For Cultural Tourism: Bobonaro, Ainaro & Lautem Districts English | Tetun
Fundasaun Alola halo perkiza kona-ba feto sira nia saude no igualdade jeneru nomos kultura Timor-Leste nian. Ami nia staff barak hetan ona treinamentu diak kona-ba perkiza nian serbisu hamutuk ho organizasaun peskiza internasional no NGO balun no mos ajensia governo nian.
Atu bele asegura kualidade serbisu, Fundasaun Alola hala’o mos evaluasaun ba programa sira ne’ebe halao husi konsultan privadu.
Relatóriu Prelimináriu Rekolla Dadus kona ba Feto Traballadores iha Setór Privadu English | Tetun
Hanesan instituisaun naun-govermental, Fundasaun Alola iha responsabilidade atu buka hatene kondisaun mak feto traballador hasoru iha setor privadu, hanesan area ne’ebe dala barak laiha asesu ba publiku. Ho peskiza ne’e, publiku bele hatene realidade mak feto feto maluk sira ne’e infrenta depois besik rua ona Timor-Leste iha rasik nia Lei do Traballu atu haforsa tan Kodigu Laborál Untaet, tuir rekomendasaun husi Komite Konvensaun CEDAW.
External Evaluation of Alola’s Scholarship Program – Alola Scholarship Report
Women for Peace International Conference Report
2nd International Women for Peace Conference, Dili, Timor-Leste 2009 – Narrative Report for Norwegian Embassy
Unsafe abortion is the third largest cause of death during pregnancy globally and contributes to deaths and serious ilness in Timor-Leste. This study is a situational analysis of the quality of treatment and preventative care available to women with unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions in Timor-Leste. It examines the testimonies of women, doctors, nurses, priests, nuns, judges, prosecutors and lawyers and a variety of other key people with direct experience of unwanted pregnancy or unsafe abortion and reviews of current literature, policies and legal context.
This report “Maternal Mortality, Unplanned Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in Timor-Leste: A Situation Analysis” launching on 3 June at the Alola Foundation installation, and was attended by Kirsty Gusmao, Chairwoman of Fundasaun Alola, Dr. Hernando Agudelo, UNFPA Country Representative and Eng. Idelta Maria Rodrigues, Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality (SEPI).
More information, click this link!
DSW Evaluation Report
The District Support Worker evaluation report was conducted in 2009 by a consultant to review the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of interventions to date and provide the Alola Foundation with reccomendations.
Yayasan Pecinta Budaya Bebali (YPBB), Threads of Life (TOL) and Esperanza Timor-Leste which all focus on economic development through communiy-based revival of the traditional textile arts, have been trying to establish a working relationship between the networks of weavers that they served since 2006. Although political problems and social unrest in Timor-Leste have disrupted this process, YPBB/TOL and Esperanza continue to seek deeper ties due to the logic of reconnecting Indonesian and Timor-Leste weavers from closely related cultural, ethnic and language groups, and the opportunity to participate in building peace and reconciliation between Indonesia and Timor-Leste. For ten days in May 2009, two YPBB staff and three TOL staff visited textiles weaving groups in Lautem, Baucau, and Bobonaro along with a visit to basket makers in Liquica and Lautem to make an initial assessment and to plan future collaborations. This report focuses on that visit and YPBB’s observations and recommendations.
In October 2004, the Alola Foundation proudly published the first report into trafficking for sexual exploitation in Timor-Leste. The report is entitled: “Trafficking in Timor-Leste: A Look into the Newest Nation’s Sex Industry” and is the first base-line study to be published on this issue in Timor-Leste.
The study was conducted by the Alola Foundation Outreach Team between March to June 2004. During this period, the study found 115 women in Dili who were identified as potential trafficking victims. These women were recruited from Indonesia (30), China (35), Thailand (30) and the Philippines (20). Many were recruited for waitressing or cleaning jobs, only to be pressured into prostitution upon arrival in Dili. Many work under controlled conditions and are unable to leave their workplace without the permission of the ‘manager’ who retains their passport. There are no services currently available to assist these women, who remain isolated and continually exploited. To date, the police response has been simply to arrest and deport the women, without making any effort to tackle the trafficking network.
More information about Human Trafficking, click this link!