To contribute to the achievement of SDG 2, 3 and 5 and in alignment with the National Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, Fundasaun Alola continues its commitment to improving Maternal and Child Health through promotion, education, and support on Infant and Young Child Feeding, sexual reproductive health for adolescents, women’s cancer raising awareness, support and referral, and Maternal, Nutrition, Child health (MNCH) & WASH programs.


The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program is one of the strategic programs of the Alola Foundation which was established in February 2003. Initially, the MCH program was initiated through the establishment of the National Breastfeeding Association (NBFA) which then continued with the establishment of support groups called Mother Support Groups (MSG/GSI) in the same year. The MSG/GSI initiative was implemented by Alola as part of the ten steps towards successful breastfeeding, which is connected to the Baby-Friendly Hospital (BFHI) initiative. Initially, MSG activities focused on improving the health and nutritional status of children in Timor-Leste through the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding until the age of two years.


To provide full support for changes in the health situation of mothers and children in Timor-Leste, in 2006, the Alola Foundation again expanded its MCH program area by integrating maternity packages, women’s health, and newborn care into its activities. In 2009, the Alola Foundation handed over the continuation of the NBFA implementation to the Nutrition Department of the Ministry of Health (MoH).


Since its official adoption by Timor-Leste in 2006, Infant and Young Child Feeding has been a national program under the Department of Nutrition, Ministry of Health of Timor-Leste. Fundasaun Alola has been one of the implementers responsible for training health care workers and target groups at the community level. Through the Mother Support Groups (MSG) and Suku Hadomi Inan no Oan (Village of Love of Mothers and Children / SHIO), Alola distributes information to encourage and support mothers to initiate breastfeeding immediately after delivery, to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months after birth and to continue breastfeeding for up to two years, accompanied by the introduction of appropriate complementary foods.


In 2023-2024, with the support from UNICEF, the MCH program continue to strengthen its program on the nutrition key care practices, MNCH and WASH program in Dili, Atauru, Aileu, Lautem, Viqueque, Ainaro and Liquica municipality. The project aiming to increase access to high quality of pre-natal, delivery, post-natal, and reduce under five mortality, increase immunization coverage; improve mother and child nutrition practices, improve access to and quality of nutrition services, and nutrition behaviour change program and improve access to clean water and improved sanitation.


In addition, to contribute to SDG 2 to end all forms of malnutrition by 2030, in May 2023, Fundasaun Alola has been elected by the CSA as a leading agency to lead the Scale Up Nutrition of Timor-Leste Civil Society Network (SUN CSN).  The SUN movement itself is a country-led multisectoral/stakeholder movement advancing prosperity for people through nutrition for all. The SUN CSN of Timor-Leste was established through a consultation with FONGTIL and implemented under the provision of SUN National Focal Point.


Fortify the community member become critical with the deep awareness to contribute and taking the responsibility of Maternal and Child health issue within their communities are the strategies that adopted and applying by Alola Foundation in designing and implementing the activities in national and rural area.

Alola Foundation continue to support existing SHIO group members in municipality level by conducting monthly meetings, health promotion activities, cooking complementary food demonstration, community discussions, celebration of World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) and counselling provisions at health facilities and SISCa posts.

The Darulete village, located at an altitude of 1264 meters and Vatuboro village are two of the locations that have benefited from the SHIO program and is an important part of the efforts of local communities who work voluntarily to improve the health of mothers and children.

This short documentation provides an overview of the efforts of the Alola together with SHIO group members in raising public awareness about maternal and child health in Liquiçá Municipality.
