Konstrusaun Sentru Apoiu ba Kankru Feto ne’e hanesan Projetu Konstrusaun ida-ne’ebé finansia husi Embaixada Japaun iha Timor-Leste. Projetu ne’e ezekuta husi Fundasaun Alola no implementa husi Projetu HALIKU, Programa Saude Inan no Oan, Fundasaun Alola. Konstrusaun ida ne’e hahu implementa hahú iha tinan 2024/2025.
Kontratu ne’ebé iha tenderizasaun ne’e hanesan tipu kontratu adisionál. Kontratu dezenvolvimentu no konstrusaun ne’e bazeia ba Kondisaun Kontratu Avaliasaun Enjeneriu Konsultór Fundasaun Alola nian no Kontratu Adisionamentu ne’e bazeia ba Kondisaun Kontratu husi versaun Bill of Quantity (BoQ).
Fatin konstrusaun nian mak iha área Fundasaun Alola nian. Konsultór sira-ne’e sei bazeia iha Dili nia fatin, iha Eskritoriu Fundasaun Alola, Avenida Bispo dé Medeiros, Mascarenhas – Timor-Leste
Fundasaun Alola sei simu aplikante kualifikadu sira no espera kandidatu sira ne’ebé pasa bele hala’o servisu hahú iha fulan Augustu 2024. Aplikante sira ne’ebé interese bele submete Kurikulum Vitae ho referénsia ema na’in 3 no Karta Aplikasaun direitamente submete dokumentu iha eskritóriu Fundasaun Alola iha Avenida Bispo Medeiros, Mascarenhas-Dili. (Quarter Jeral Policia Militar nia oin). Data ikus submete dokumentus iha 21 Augustu 2024.
Atu bele hetan informasaun klaru liu tan bele hato’o ba kordenadora Rekursu Humanu liu husi email:
Applications close 5pm 21th August 2024.
Strong Women Strong Nation | Feto forte Nasaun Forte | Mulheres Forte Nação Fórte
HALIKU’s objective is to increase women’s understanding on prevention, early detection and treatment of breast cancer. HALIKU educates people on symptoms of cancer and contributing factors, promotes importance of regular breast self-examinations and attending health facilities as soon as symptoms of cancer are identified. HALIKU also targets media for raising awareness campaigns through community radio and newsletters, and distribution of brochures and pamphlets.
The HALIKU team provided direct support to women for referrals to HNGV, support for biopsy, and provide wig, mastectomy bra, arm sleeve, as well as support for transport and purchase prescribed medicine when the medicine is out of stock. Thus from 2015 till 2022, HALIKU had referred 225 patients to HNGV including supported 18 patients for transport, 13 patients for biopsy and 6 patients provided with mastectomy bra and breast prosthesis including purchase prescribed medicines.
HALIKU uses various methods to campaign about the importance of self-examination as an effort to detect cancer early, starting from mini workshops, leaflet distribution, conferences, radio – tv talk shows, exhibitions, community discussions and many others. This is done to raise awareness in all levels of society starting from students, housewives, government officials, police and armed forces, young activists, including religious leaders both at local and national levels.
Training for health workers: In September 2019, Alola’s HALIKU organised four days of training for 50 (F:37 and M:13) health workers (midwives, Nurses and general practitioner) from HNGV, Community Health Centres and private health clinics in Dili which took place at HNGV training room. This activity was divided into three phases – Wound Management, Clinical Breast Examination and Being Breast Aware. This activity was facilitated by six trainers from Australia and Malaysia representing McGrath Foundation Australia and Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia with financing from ABC Global Alliance.
Training for Breast Cancer survivors and HALIKU Volunteers: Subsequent to the health worker’s training at HNGV, the team of Breast Cancer Welfare Asociation Malaysia continue to hold a two days training on “Psychosocial Support to Breast Cancer Patients” for breast cancer survivors and HALIKU volunteers at Fundasaun Alola training room. Total 23 (all women) participants attended the training and the training was focused on increasing participants knowledge on breast cancer and preventions including how to offering a psychosocial support to breast cancer patients through counseling at home and at health facility.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is a worldwide annual health campaign taking place in October that highlight the importance of breast awareness, educate people about the importance of early screening, test and research. This campaign organized by major breast cancer charities and involving thousands of organisations starts on October 1 and ends on October 31 every year.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is as much about raising funds for breast cancer research and support, as it is about raising awareness. The supporters will be donning their pink ribbons as a show of support for ongoing research for a cure.
HALIKU fundraising: Mr. Xanana Gusmao’s 73rd birthday was celebrated in Dili in June 20th 2019 at El Legendario and was also a fundraising event for HALIKU. Alola’s MCH team, with support from Mr. Xanana Gusmao, organized an auction and invited companies and the private sector to participate. The auction was led directly by His Excellency Mr. Xanana raised funds of USD 128.338.30 to support HALIKU activities and to continue its mission in raising awareness and support vulnerable patients of women’s cancer in the country.