The main objective the birth preparedness projects interference is to support pregnant women to develop a birth plan, access professional childbirth care and gather the support of their community in organizing transport when labor begins.
In 2018, BPP project has expanded to 10 new villages in Baguia Sub municipal of Baucau municipality and continued in in 18 villages in Oecusse . As a result if the intervention In Oecusse region, there were 1,222 mothers given birth in the 18 villages and from the total there were 29 % deliveries at health facility, 47 % deliveries at home assisted by skill birth attendance-SBA (47%) and 24 % deliveries (at home which assisted by their family members. Another achievement is increased number of women delivery at three health posts includes HP Malelat (3 Mothers), HP Bebo (5 mothers), and HP Nibin (8 Mothers) which are previously zero women delivery in 2016-2017. In addition, the health post of Pune (CHC Baque) which had only one delivery in 2017 had gain 24 deliveries within Jan-Dec 2018. This result has shown significant contribution done by the project through its activities of community discussions and also through BPP coordinators in educating and referring pregnant women to give birth at health facility for safe delivery. Within March till December 2018, the BPP coordinators had referred 377 out of 954 save deliveries happened at health facility (40%) and at home assisted by the health workers or SBA (39%) from 18 villages which means 39.5% of the total save deliveries happened in the targeted villages.
Moreover, BPP in Baguia Sub Municipal of Baucau Municipality has contributed to the increase number of pregnant mother had safe delivery at health facility. The data shows that 203 deliveries within 2018, 93 deliveries at health facilities (46%), 62 deliveries at home assisted by health workers (31%) and 48 deliveries at home assisted by family members (24%). From data above BPP coordinator had referred and support 33 pregnant mothers include mother’s deliveries 21 out of 93 deliveries at health facility and 12 out of 62 deliveries happened at home assisted by SBA.