Research results informs that the babies will have the best chance of health if they are breastfeeding solely for the first six months. In 2010, only 52% of babies were exclusively breastfed (Demographic Health Survey 2019-2010) and in 2016 the number has been decreased to 50% (Demographic Health Survey 2016). This has shown that a lot of effort should be made to increase the optimal infant and young child feeding especially exclusive breastfeeding practices.
In responding to that, Alola has been promoting the importance of exclusive breastfeeding targeted to the pregnant mother, breastfeeding mother, and their parents in Dili National Hospital and three referral hospitals in Oecusse, Baucau and Maubisse. The focus of counseling are cover early initiation of breastfeeding, intervention for premature and underweight babies by educating mothers on cup feeding using breast milk as well as Kangaroo Mother Care (a skin contact approach). The counseling at health facilities has been benefited by 6,380 breastfeeding mother, and parents about 7,447 people.
Moreover, Members of the Mother Support Group / Suco Hadomi Inan no Oan (MSG/SHIO) have provided counseling to mothers in SISCas (Integrated Community Health Services) on Six months exclusive breastfeeding. The counseling carryout by the MSG/SHIO member has been reached to pregnant mother 1,723 and breastfeeding mother about 1,928.