What We Do

HALIKU or “Hau Hili Atu Kura” which means “I choose to be healed”, has done great activities with the objective to raise awareness about women’s cancer by informing the community about risk factors, signs and symptoms.  Socialization focused on sensitizing women and youths not to be embarrassed or afraid to come to a health facility for treatment.

After founder HALIKU, Ms. Kirsty Sword Gusmao decided to integrate HALIKU into the Alola’s Maternal and Child Health program, HALIKU which means“I choose to be healed” activities are increasingly widespread, and reaching remote areas. As part of the community awareness on women’s cancer, the HALIKU program is also integrated with other programs under the Alola Foundation. Every opportunity is always used to share information through discussions, distribution of brochures, exhibitions, seminars and radio programs.

To get prompt and appropriate treatment, people who are indicated to have cancer must go to the national hospital in the Municipality of Dili. The hospital is quite far away for those who live in the municipalities of Los Palos, Viqueque, Covalima, Bobonaro and Oecusse. Not to mention the problems of transportation to the city center and accommodation during treatment. These are all basic problems faced by women who need help for fast action for their illnesses. Many of them because of the lack of information about cancer, surrendered to their condition and tried to treat it with traditional medicinal ingredients.

With this reality, HALIKU took the initiative to facilitate those who need assistance by providing means of transportation, providing accommodation assistance, facilitating tests to ensure the level of illness suffered, including providing financial assistance for poor patients. The goals of this initiative are to reduce patient suffering, improve treatment adherence, and improve health outcomes.

HALIKU wants to ensure that cancer patient care and support services are coordinated, comprehensive, and effective.

Based on the Alola Annual Report mentioned about HALIKU activities.

The HALIKU team provided direct support to women for referrals to HNGV, support for biopsy, and provide wig, mastectomy bra, arm sleeve, as well as support for transport and purchase prescribed medicine when the medicine is out of stock. Thus from 2015 till 2019, HALIKU had referred 125 patients to HNGV including supported 18 patients for transport, 13 patients for biopsy and 6 patients provided with mastectomy bra and breast prosthesis including purchase prescribed medicines.



“"Women in Timor-Leste have a death risk 8 times greater than women in Australia after being diagnosed with cancer. This is not only due to lack of choice for care and access to health facilities in Timor-Leste, but also lack of education about the importance of early detection and intervention fast medical. I am proud of the work that HALIKU runs for a cancer awareness program for women through the Alola Foundation, "”


Moras Kankru Susu Hamate Timor Oan % 80
HNGV Menus Fasilidade No Medikamentu
HNGV Rejistu Moras Kankru Susun 300 Resin
KNKS-TL Sensibiliza Moras Kankru
Alola no KNKSTL Selebra Pink Outubru 2020
Xanana Gusmão Apoia angariação de fundos
Selebrasaun Pink Outubru iha Portu Tibar
CEO ALOLA ba Loron Moras Kankru 2017

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