Iha loron 30 Agostu iha tinan 1999, ita nia povo tomak, katuas ferik, labarik, inan sira sei kus bebe lao dook ba fatin votasaun hodi hili sira nia futuru. Ita hotu rai memoria iha ita nia fuan, memoria esperansa kahur ho tauk, memoria haksolok kahur ho sentimentu triste.

Istoria Konsulta Popular ka referendum ne’ebe monu iha loron 30 Agostu tinan 20 liu-ba, istória furak kona-ba povo kiik ida nia luta ba justisa, dignidade no ukun rasik an. Istoria ida ne’e sai inspirasaun boot ba mundu tomak. Husi povo kiik nia aten brani no sakrifísiu, moris naaun foun ida, nasaun kiak ho povo mukit, nasaun ne’e traumatizado no esperiénsia funu, violénsia, konflitu, terus no mate durante tinan barak. Nasaun ne’ebe hatudu ba mundu katak iha buat ruma ne’ebe forte liu, ema umanu sira ho kilat, esperansa ho fiar povo ita nian, ne’e mak forte nian.

Hau deseja parabens ba loron boot 30 Agostus, Viva Timor-Leste.

Save the date, Saturday, 30 November – Sunday, 1 December 2019 at Alola Foundation – Dili.

Alola Christmas Fair is The most famous Handicrafts Trade Fair in Timor-Leste, the perfect place where you can meet A lot of local artisans and weavers come from rural parts of Timor-Leste. Please mark your calendars. Thanks

Come along to Alola Australia’s annual dinner – Friday 11 October – Melbourne. It’s all about ‘why working with women matters’. To book visithttps://www.trybooking.com/532276

Dear Alola partners

I would like to formally advise that I am leaving Fundasaun Alola as Chief Executive Officer and my last official day is the 31st of July 2019. 

I have great confidence that you all will continue to prioritize Alola as a key partner in the carrying out of agenda for improvements of women and children’s life in Timor-Leste.

Thank you and hope our path can cross again in future.



The Alola’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) program utilizes a range of strategies concentrating at multiple levels in nationally and municipalities’



The Education Program aims to improve quality and access to education in Timor-Leste. In 2018, Education program continues providing scholarship support



Alola’s Economic Empowerment Program has two main areas comprised of handicraft development and development of women’s livelihoods.



Promoting the Human Rights of women and children in Timor-Leste is the main objective of the Advocacy Program. In 2018, the Advocacy Program provided


(#Alolamedia#Dili/ Sept,2020)

The activity of cooking complementary foods demonstration carried out by the Maternal and Child Health Program Team – the Alola Foundation continues, this week several hamlets and villages in several administrative posts have the opportunity to be visited and together with members of the Grupu Suporta Inan (GSI) or Mother Support Group from the village Becora, Mantelo Lao village and Bidau Lecidere village provided explanations and practiced how to cook complementary foods for babies. Thanks to the European Commission supporting through UNICEF Timor-Leste and congratulations to the GSI group in 36 villages in the Municipality of Dili for supporting this activity.
Complementary feeding is very important for the baby’s growth and this provision should be started when the baby turns 6 months of age. At this age, breastfeeding alone is no longer sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of the baby and therefore foods and fluids other than breast milk must be given at the same time as breast milk.
As an effort to raise awareness of the importance of complementary foods, the Alola Foundation through the Maternal and Child Health program is carrying out an activity known as the Cooking Demonstration using local indigenous food and film showing. This activity is a regular activity carried out by the Grupu Suporta Inan (GSI) or Mother Support Groups / Suku Hadomi Inan no Oan (SHIO) group or Village Loves Mother and babies who work voluntarily.
In activities carried out at the community level, the MCH Alola team collaborated with the local health team assisted by members of the GSI / SHIO group providing an introduction to what food ingredients could be used as complementary foods during the complementary food period.
The objective of the cooking demonstrations is to show parents how to prepare adequate complementary foods for children aged 6-24 months. This activity is led by community based groups members and the Maternal Child Health program Field Officer. Mothers are given information about commencing complementary foods at six months of age, starting with a small amount of food and gradually increasing as the child gets older, while continuing breastfeeding until two years of age or beyond. The community based groups members encourage mothers to feed their children with a variety of foods that are available in their village / hamlet.
This is part of the work of the Alola Foundation in building the capacity of existing partner groups at the village level to implement infant and young child feeding (IYCF). This maternal and child health program regularly promotes training in serving complementary foods by including other training assisted by community volunteers who have been formed at the village level.
The Alola’s field team, talk directly with the community, taught how to make complementary meals from locally available, affordable and nutritious food ingredients. Babies who are often given complementary foods every day, their growth will increase.
On 2019, Alola’s Cooking demonstration using local food and film showing on basic safe motherhood and the importance of breastfeeding was hold in 33 villages of Liquica, Aileu and Manufahi municipality. Total 8,165 people attended the sessions hold in targeted villages including 8,778 children under 5 years old who attended cooking demonstrations.
In order to know the nutrition status of the mother and children, the MSG/SHIO members also doing measurement of upper arm (MUAC) for the pregnant and lactating women as well as children under 5 years during cooking demonstration sessions. As the result, on 2019, 30 children (F: 16 & M: 14) been identified as malnourish including 112 pregnant women and 120 lactating women. Those undernourished were referred to SISCa posts as well as mothers being counseled by the members on the importance of good nutritious food and to improve feeding practices.
Many positive responses were expressed by community members who participated in this activity. Some community members regarding the activities above and the result is interesting because they had learned more information from the activities. One of the community member said:
“I am very happy to be able to see first hand how to prepare and cook complementary foods for babies, such as cooking porridge mixed with vegetables, carrots and chicken eggs so that the food becomes more delicious and eventually the child likes to eat”, said a mother who attended complementary feeding cooking.
It is not difficult to practice complementary foods recipes, the ingredients used are very easy to find such as pumpkin, carrots, spinach, papaya, banana, egg yolk, fruits, fish, meat and others.

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Each year Alola Foundation always publish an annual report to let public know how Alola performed during the last financial year. The 2019 Alola Annual report was launched on Nov 27 during Alola’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) by Chairwomen Alola  Dr. Kirsty Sword Gusmao AO.
The 2019 annual report came with 44 pages reports and gives details of Alola key work over the previous financial year, outlining achievements projects and the audited financial Statement. It also reviews the results of implementing the 4 core programs currently implemented, in the areas of maternal and child health, education, women’s economic empowerment and advocacy efforts on women’s rights.
Details about this report can be found on this website.   English |  Tetum


For $25, your gift will support the maternal and child health program that includes providing breastfeeding information and counselling, infant and young child feeding training, maternity packs, and research on maternal mortality in Timor.

"Fundasaun Alola’s MCH programs are teaching Timorese women about the power of the breast “that her body alone can provide for all her baby’s nutritional and health needs for the first six months of life”.
Kirsty Sword Gusmao
Founder of Alola
"Here I am with the fabulous Jude Finch and Mary Waterford and three of the Timorese students supported by Blue Mountains Together for Timor and the The Fundasaun Alola. I am so proud to be involved in such an important and valuable project".
Wendy Chandler
Blue Mountains East Timor Sisters